Michele's birth name is Michelle Lee Dusick
Michele is 5'8 1/2 feet tall
Michele's ethnicity is French
Michele has one son, named David Farentino
Michele is married to Fred Rappaport
Michele's Ex-husband is James Farentino
Michele was born on June 24
The correct spelling of Michele's first name is Michelè
Michele lives in Los Angeles California
Michele appeared in all 344 episodes of Knots Landing
Michele played opposite her x-husband in "When No One Would Listen"
Michele was born at 1:25am
Was a dancer and singer before she became a actress
Was in the hit play "The Tale of The Allergist's Wife" on Broadway from November 2,2000-May 26, 2002, and went to California to perform it until September!
Michele is bicoastal
Michele has a cat named Kit Ten
Michele's favorite food is Chinese